Felted Slippers

Felt slippers can be so different in style that really everyone can discover something for themselves. Wet felting is a great hobby with which the whole family can provide with the most distinctive felt slippers. Here I show you some examples as inspiration: Felt slippers with leather and fabric applications Felt and leather are a … Read more

Make Felt Not War Felting Project

Make Felt Not War In February 2022 in a cozy Irish pub in Hungary Corinna Nitschmann drank hot chocolate and Péter Póth a cold beer while sitting depressed by the actual political happenings: Putin attacked Ukraine. The world was shocked, we were frozen…what should we do? What can we do? Does anything make sense to … Read more

Felted Vessels With Sculptural Lids

Felted vessels for what? I have several paper handkerchief depots at my house. A pile in the kitchen, a heap next to the bed, a basket full in the bathroom, etc. This developed after I didn’t feel like chasing after the little kids anymore when they asked for a tissue. And then there was the … Read more

#makefeltnotwar Project Insights

#makefeltnotwar Here I will gradually share the currently received parts for our big peace felt project, that I have already unpacked, supplemented with the numbers, because it is interesting to know how many people are there from where in the world.Unfortunately, it’s beyond my time to write the names, I hope nobody will be angry with … Read more

Felt & wood combo

About combining different materials… Have you ever thought consciously about how many different materials look nice in one object?As an architect, the same question for me is: How many different materials or very different patterns look balanced on a facade?You might say you prefer 7 or 2. For me, there is the magical number of … Read more

Wet Felting with Yarns

What does a tapestry artist and weaver do when she turns to felting? Gabriella Kovács (pronounced Kowatsh), Hungarian felt artist, reveals more about her work. “I had soooo many yarns …” … that’s why you can find lots of yarn in my felting work. Sometimes they lie parallel, sometimes in a jumble, adorn backgrounds or … Read more

Wandering Eggs…

Do you know, how easter eggs become colored? … Does the bunny paints them? Noooo. Today I had the chance to keep track of an amazing phenomenon. I show you the process exclusive in my felt blog. Next week I bring the photos to the National Geography Magazin. So…I heard something rustling…I looked into the … Read more

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