Porcelain-fine felt: lint-free, smooth, filigree and yet dimensionally stable. How does it work…?

The felt jewellery by Anikó Boros can do all that...

The Hungarian felt artist specialises in felt jewellery under the brand name baribon. Whatever she felts, whether a mural or a bag or a finger adorning felt ring, her precision is unsurpassable.

Here I would like to show her felted fuchsias:

Fuchsias or inspiring variations

Fuchsias are a genus of plants with many varieties ranging from a few cm to tree size. But you may know them from gardens as beautiful pot plants. The delicate flowers come in many colours from white to pastel pink and pink to dark purple. (But don’t let that stop you from felting something in unusual colours, because the creative spirit is always free. Maybe a fuchsia necklace in turquoise blue).

This is what a real flower looks like next to the felted version by Anikó Boros. It is clear to see that this is by no means a coarse, somewhat thick felt with stubbornly protruding hairs that make your skin start to itch a little just by looking at it. This felt jewellery is simply delicate in every respect.

Simple or complicated?

Just as in nature the blossoms are sometimes plain, sometimes pompously filled, this is of course also possible felted, whereby “plain” looks no less elegant, as you can see here:

But how can you felt the more luxuriant calyxes? One version is simply to build up the flower from several layers of felt. Of course, in Anikó’s case, these are felted together and guaranteed not to be sewn!

Another solution is to symbolise these frilly petal layers with layers of silk, because even felt has its limits and Anikó has already taken daintiness to the highest level.

Not only the flower itself is magical, but also the stamp, the felt cord and the ends of the cord. If you have ever felted a cord, you know that it is not so easy to get the same thickness over the whole length and not to have any furrows in the cord.

Felt your own fuchsias

Anikó will show you all the tricks to make such fine necklaces yourself:

– You will learn to felt the finest cords and elegantly shaped petals that keep their shape – without using any stiffening agent.

– Anikó teaches you different fuchsia models. The inner flower cup can also be decorated with silk.

– The strings can end with felted stones or in ruffles.

– Tiny stones are also felted into the stamp.

– You will learn how to felt several hollow shapes including the stamp without sewing.

-You will also learn about these colour transitions.

When and where can this be done?

Meet Anikó at the CorNit LIVE Felting Camp in the magical Hungarian village called Nagybörzsöny. 9-16 Sept 2023 we will be there working together with 5 great felt artists and indulging in other programmes. Active holiday you certainly deserve. Check out the programme HERE.

Which fuchsia flower would you like to felt?

A simple one with one petal layer? One with a double calyx? The one with the silk ruffles in the middle? Post a comment and we’ll see which is the most coveted version.

Fluffy regards & mothless wool


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