Felted Vessels With Sculptural Lids


Felted vessels for what?

I have several paper handkerchief depots at my house. A pile in the kitchen, a heap next to the bed, a basket full in the bathroom, etc. This developed after I didn’t feel like chasing after the little kids anymore when they asked for a tissue.

And then there was the heap of all sorts in the entrance area. Because you just put down the car key. A screw just picked up from the ground. A candy out of a jacket pocket…a toy knight…a LEGO piece – after stepping on it in socks, of course – OUCH!
etc., etc., etc. The mounds just keep growing, which isn’t necessarily nice.

A felt container can help, then you won’t see the odds and ends for a while if it’s big enough…Stand several next to each other: one for each family member. Then order might last longer…



Followings felt containers were made...

in the course of the Hungarian Felt Artist Bea Németh. She will hold the same course online in the 2nd CorNit’s Virtual Felting Camp between 13th-24th of May in 2022.
So that’s what other felters have made last year:

Anke Hauswirth has played with grey shades:

Primary color contrast by Anne-Katrein Damrau:

Elke Heer has used the same grip design but felted a totally other container:

Petra Siersetzki brought has embellished hers with embroidery and small shell moons.
If you want to sew something on a felt and you cannot hide the thread choose a color that matches the whole concept and it will be a nice detail.

Greys by Anja Wiek. “Kram” means “stuff” . So you need what can go in there. Everything I’ve mentioned before. And more… 😀

Yvonne Annen took blue and green:

Susanne Lämmle’s wonderful compact vessel with the grip that echos the pattern.

The amazing experimental thing in the container made by Sandra Marschall is that she has felted 100% with alpaca wool. Have you ever tried that? Alpaca fibers often has to be mixed with sheep wool because they are slippy. She managed it without…

Christa Gillman’s wonderful cross grip that also reminds on a human figure, doesn’t it?

Martina Mörbel has a lovely fish in blue “water”:

Like a pretty church with complementary built by Daniela Baldauf:

Open your eyes and see those detailed lizards that Lucky Brogli has made with 3D relief stitching on her night blue vessel:

Ursula Gräber has felted a playful “fruit” with two worms  for her grand child. As I remember she also had a story for that vessel.

Twin grip by Dagmar Lange. Like two loving birdies.

The container of Beatrice Lohse has an eye. She’s integrated a glas nugget for that special touch.

Marianne van den Berg has a fish on the side and a fish grip on the top. 
The embroidered outlines make it always interesting.

Felted bottle boxes

They are wonderful packages if you want to gift some wine and of course they also work very well to hold some drink warm or cold. 
Caroline Kofflers version looks like that:

Antoinette Pianta felted a bottle box with a beautiful life tree on the side:

Inspired by this course is the lovely tea cozy made by Barbara Christel:

Leave a comment which is your favorite.


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