From the pregnant yoga lady to the felted skeleton… it’s like from alpha to omega. And in between so many different characters of life as colorful as we people are.

These dolls were felted in the Geman-speaking Virtual Felting Camp in 2024. Bea Németh, Hungarian felt master brought us the know-how and so many different ladies and guys were born like people are in real life.

Hilarious Wet Felted Characters

Check the different heads, faces, accessoires and clothing. These were all ideas of the makers. Some felters sew cloths, some felted them, some started knitting and crocheting.

The lovely handmade glasses of these girls have the touch of the flower power generation. Don’t miss the baby’s pacifier, hair and diapers…LOL

The following girl with the striped bathing suit is not the same as before but her younger sister.

This sophisticated lady has a fingerring too, take a nearer look. Less is more, isn’t it? In creative solutions also.

This Irish guy was the only marionette of all the dolls. And he turned out working very well with his agile joints.

Frida Kahlo came along too:

This shepherd guy took a rest in raw wool for the photo shooting:

This girl had a perfectly fitting wet felted dress with those lovely details and Kerstin, her maker, knitted her colorful socks too:

Why not felting a hat too? I love those dotty pants as well:

The following girls are real nature lover. Don’t miss the small wet felted birds on the second one:

This little guy is the main character of a really old swiss children’s book. Lucky felted all accessories as the illustrations in the book are, she made him for her grand children, so they can also play with him while listening to the story from grandma:

The world can be so harsh. Elves make living easier, don’t they. And if they have butterfly wings too, they can catch you up easier if you’re down. We need more elves, don’t we?

The Man! With a warm knitted pullover. You have to get that feeling again how it was dressing dolls. Also if you never were that typical girl with dolls and Barbies. Working on these was really an uplifting, playful course for adults. ❤️🤩

Why always mankind? Let’s go further. Let me introduce you Puss in Boots:

If you have a wise man in your backpack you’re never alone, are you? Felt one for yourself.

This skeleton was the coolest experiment in this online course. Ursula made one and brought it to the Q&A ZOOM where fellow felters came up with some different ideas to make it more realistic. This is the second version. Brilliant, isn’t it?

We had a lot of laughs seeing each others figures. How about a pregnant lady from the prenatal yoga course? 

It often very true: keep it simple. Less is more…watch that guy:

Don’t miss that amazing ONLINE course in April 2025 and felt who you need, for yourself or your children or grand children: cuddle companions, or decorative pieces. Whether it’s the tall, lanky figure or the small, huggable friend—it’s all about proportions to bring them to life.

Or felt a specific person! What are their key characteristics that you can highlight?

In this course, you will learn

– how to create the body,

– two different head-making methods,

– the tricky part how to make limbs with joints so that the figure’s proportions are as you want

– how to felt clothing. 

Grab the Early Bird Ticket HERE.


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