During a hike in the summer, we walked up a slope that was overgrown with grass. At first we noticed out of the corner of our eye how many grasshoppers were hopping around. But something was not right…

Wet felted froggy, the eyes are 4mm small beads. You can pull him, like a bead, on a string, because between the paws and the body the string fits through.

So I bent down to take a closer look and already I had a miniature tree frog as a “brooch” on my chest and one dangling from a strand of hair that fell in my face; the little creature was wriggling in front of my nose. 

I laughed so hard! …and thought, be careful, another one will jump into my mouth and I don’t want to turn into a stork.

 1 cm small green tree frog babies belong to the cutest animals of the world, I think. And as we walked on, at least 10 of them hopped aside with every step, everywhere, all over the meadow.

Later I got to know the lampwork frog beads made of glass, they are also minis and also cute. The challenge was given: Can I felt something like that? Wet felting of course, needle felting does not interest me.

I can…That’s a finger tip behind that one in the next pic:

The black little shiny thing, in the frog’s visor, is a fly…with two big eyes and a seed bead for a body.

It’ll be gone in a minute…yummi….

Here you can see better that the mini felts also have a bead hole going through, so they can be threaded:

Dude, turn around and don’t show your butt to your fuzz-friends…you can’t be serious

So, where were we?

Well, gravity also affects the tiniest frogs. They also have to hold on tight….

Of course, such a frog can’t just perch on a bead. You can make them also lying on a leaf for example:

Let me know in a comment how you would use such a cute creature. ❤️ 🐸

Fluffy regards & mothless wool:


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