One resist - countless variations...

The following bags were made by many different people in the same course. See the wonderful diversity!

Flap, straps, bag come out almost like from a 3D printer: these don’t need to be sewn on. And there is also an inside pocket and absolutely NO WASTE left in this project.

The Hungarian felting master and researcher Mihály Vetró teached how to make these special shoulder bags in the German felting course. He taught how to felt a shoulder bag by felting everything in one piece on a single template, with no waste at the end.

The pattern...

comes from Anatolia (Turkey). Before felting, Mihály showed many Anatolian felt carpets, which were felted in the workshop of the Turkish felting family Kondal and he explained the symbolism of the motifs, which are often used on such carpets.

In the course, the participants also learned how to conjure up such patterns from pre-felt, with the same technique as used in Anatolia on their wet-felted bags.

Embroidery on Felt

The felt bags could also be embroidered after drying. For this purpose, Mihály Vetró also showed some typical stitches that are popularly used in Central Asia for decorating felt objects, such as also yurt bags or tumars. (Tumars are felt triangels hanging in a home and protecting against evil.)

The Wonderful Variety...

…of the bags created in the course shows again how wonderfully different we felters are with our many tastes and sparkling joy of experimentation. 
New surface design ideas were spontaneously added: Relief technique on felt, nuno felt pattern inlays, free-flying patterns and embellishments, and totally different color combinations. Don’t miss the following pictures, just float along:

I just thought of one: There are no numbers or letters on any of the bags. I wonder why. Do we long for something older and more organic than arithmetic and writing? Do you have any ideas? Post it as a comment…

Come and make your own

Either you want to have one with some oriental touch or you prefer floral romantic you can make your specific shoulder bag in the 3rd CorNit’s VIRTUAL Felting Camp 2023.

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