Felting Camp 2022 Tumar – the Guarding Amulet Ticket

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You felt your own amulet against evil and bad things -how useful nowadays-, that will accompany you on your way or guard your family and home. Mishi is an expert of such sheltering objects from Central Asia. You will learn here:

– The very tricky “Kabul weaving technique”. It’s a kind of making roundish edges and closing felt seams and as you go on with weaving the same time you attach the that woven edge to the felt. So it’s absolutely not making a cord and sewing it onto the seam. Use it also for other objects!

–Traditional linear embroidery for stitching patterns, – Different ways of fixing small treasures with needle and thread,

– an unusual braiding technique for making wonderful cords,

– making tassels already integrated in the braids. Tricky again…

You also learn about guarding colors and how to hide secret messages in your tumar that doesn’t has to be a triangle.

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