Felt courses & other programs in our virtual camp area

CorNit's Virtual Felting Camp 2022

The intercontinental wet felting party ONLINE

Felt courses & other programs in our virtual camp area

CorNit'S Virtual Felting Camp 2022

The intercontinental wet felting party ONLINE



Felt courses & other fuzzy programs

Discover the extra potential in the 5 felt courses: not only 5 objects but much more technique, tricks, knowledge which you can use in very different projects later also.

Campers from 2021 said....

Just wanted to thank you again for a lovely felt camp experience. You and your 'team' pulled off a seamless experience. It was so fun to be connected with so many like minded people all over the world.
Linda Armstrong
ECOLAM Fibrearts
I have so enjoyed the felting camp, it was beyond my expectations.
Beth Marks
And to you Corinna, thank you for an amazing felt week with so many talented artists! I can't wait for the next one!... and tell everyone I meet about your work and this amazing felt camp.
Julie Robinson

5 colorful felting themes

Mishi Vetró: Tumar - the Guarding Amulet

…that we urgently need nowadays.

You felt your own  amulet against evil and bad things -how useful nowadays-, that will accompany you on your way or guard your family and home.  Mishi is an expert of such sheltering objects from Central Asia. You will learn here:

The very  tricky “Kabul weaving technique”. It’s a kind of making roundish edges and closing felt seams and as you go on with weaving the same time you attach the that woven edge to the felt. So it’s absolutely not making a cord and sewing it onto the seam.  Use it also for other objects!

Traditional linear embroidery for stitching patterns,  – Different ways of fixing small treasures with needle and thread,

– an unusual braiding technique for making wonderful cords, 

– making tassels already integrated in the braids. Tricky again…

You also learn about guarding colors and how to hide secret messages in your tumar that doesn’t has to be a triangle. 

Click on the pics if they appear blurry! 

Mihály Vetró

Annemie Koenen: Lightweight Summer Hat

… for a good mood & keeping bad news at bay.

You felt a lightweight summer hat with nuno felt inlays in this course. Annemie shows you ways of using yarns,  fabric scraps and motifs as embellishment.

You learn how to plan  the resist, the way of  felting, stiffening the hat and how to insert the hat band.

You find out how to felt a good cord and establish it in your hat.

Our device is: every mistake can be managed with a happy end. There are no mistakes. Be part of the journey to research new ways. Click on the pics if they appear blurry!

Annemie Koenen

Márti Csille: Seamed Wall Art

… for walls that tell stories. 

The ultimate way to lift your felted picture to be a really elegant wall piece. Secrets from the Hungarian felt artist Márti Csille.

Choose an outline, put on your embellishing layers, embroider 3D details after felting and learn the fantastic way of backing and seaming to get to your personal wall art piece.

Márti shows you all these techniques while making her round “Sun”. All the felted art work that you see below were made this way.

In the first part of the course you make your special picture.
In the second part the secret way of backing a thin felt to get it stiff and seaming will be unveiled.

Click on the pics if they appear blurry! 

Márti Csille

Nadia Szabó: Rich Textured Nuno Belt/Scarf

… for cozy moments on your hip or around your neck. 

Materials mix & texture tricks from the Ukraine felt artist Nadia Szabó.

You felt a belt or wall hanging with a pocket or even a scarf. I’ts your choice. Nadia shows you also how to plan the resist for the well fitting clothing pieces.

You see very different ways for making fantastic textures and different kinds of fringes.

Roses, 3D lines, moss textures etc. are waiting for you.
You can choose boho gipsy style or stay simple, As you wish.

Click on the pics if they appear blurry! 

Nadia Szabó

Bea Németh: Vessel With Sculptural Lid

… as a dignified home for the small things and memories that you love.

A vessel and handle shape of your choice  and a well planned motif -inverse and reverse- on both sides make that object so special. 

The Hungarian felt artist Bea Németh has a lot of fun for you: 

– You learn how to plan the ornaments for both sides. Tricky insights I promise! 

– You felt a sturdy corpus and get hints for different kind of wool type and layer combinations.

–  That puffy and firm lid will be the crown on your work.

I guarantee you funny moments with Bea and that you won’t get enough of such vessels after learning how to build them.

Click on the pics if they appear blurry!

Bea Németh

Together we will...

Learn new things...

Felting together live

Our interactive exchange between felting collegues and tutors ends in a  fantastic collective knowledge which immediately leads us towards new felt universes.  
You don’t even have to wait for some effect just use the new tricks at once. 

 (You cannot attend live? We have the solution for you…)

2 presentations for itchy feet

– Step into the parallel universe of unsaid words and secret and touching connections with Mihály Vetró Hungarian felt artist and researcher. He is taking you into the mysterious world of “Light Symbols On Ancients Felts”.  

Virtually with horses and flying shirdak rugs we travel to Kirgistan with the Dutch felt artist Annemie Koenen.

Video courses - also DOWNLOAD

In live courses you diligently make notes hoping to have the knowledge later as well, don’t you? 289 days later you are not sure what you’ve ment with some notes… With the download option you have all infos years later assured. With these videos, you are guaranteed to have all the information, even years from now, without having to decipher your quick scrawl, no tip is lost. And you can rewind as many times as you need.

Step by step photo tutorials
For each course you also get a very detailed photo tutorial. (.pdf) Print it or watch on your favorite device as a cheat sheet while working at your felting table or enjoy the mental felting trip with a cup of tea in an arm chair.

Online workshops

Felting Webinars

Join us online, felt with the tutors, ask your questions whilst felting and you get the professional answer immediately.
All webinars will be recorded, so you don’t miss them if you cannot attend. No info will get lost!!

Yoga for felters
Well-deserved stretching of your busy muscles and limbs with our professional conductor.  Let your creative mind rest for a while, loosen cramps, boost your blood flow. From screen to your screen – just stay in your pyjama… Use these movements also after the camp to stay mobile.

Stay connected...Party time!

Zoom meetings for all classes
After each webinar meet the tutor and your peers with camera and microphone. (Come incognito if you wish.)  In these events you can show your work, see others’ felts, get answers for your problems and be inspired by the very many ideas and solutions you meet here. A colorful pool of felt design. All zooms will be recorded, so you don’t miss them if you cannot attend. No info will get lost!!
ZOOM Café - the all day open space

You can enter one  zoom room any time. Meet new friends from all over the world at the intercontinental virtual campfire on zoom.

Where do you felt on the globe? What spices do you cook with? What kind of sheep live there?

Free topics, hop in and get involved somewhere between Mexico and Ireland.

Contact us!
We are there for you! Throw in your questions and suggestions from your favorite arm chair, your bed or your felting table. Tutors and peers will answer in the webinars, zoom events and in the forum. In the forum you can also show your work after the virtual camp. If you have webtech problems let us know we are there to help you.
In our forum undependently from facebook you can reach other attendees, tutors and Corinna as organizer.
If you felt many monthys later you also can ask questions and show your work in the forum, we’ll still be there for you. 
The works of others can also inspire you there later. 

Celebrating Art

Opening Ceremony & Vernissage
Virtual and interactive exhibition of the tutors’ felt art work. Here you can immediately ask them also questions after you’ve seen their objects. Nurse your curiosity directly at the spring. These “luminous” rugs are works from our tutor Mishi Vetró.
Closing Ceremony & Finissage
Our virtual exhibition of the works that were born in this camp. Our last happy gathering in these days online. Bring your family, friends, neighbours and show them prodly where you’ve been that week or just let inspire yourself and start working later with the downloaded videos.

Time schedule

13th of May, Fri

ZOOM Café: Opening ceremony & vernissage

Virtual and interactive exhibition of the tutors’ felt art work.
Ask and nurse your curiosity directly at the spring.

14th of May, Sat

WEBINAR: Textured Nuno Belt

OR scarf OR wall hanging with Nadia Szabó.

ALL DAY: Zoom Café break out room

15th of May, Sun

WEBINAR: Summer Hat

 with Annemie Koenen.

ALL DAY: Zoom Café break out room

16th of May, Mon

ZOOM Café: Summer hat and Belt questions & answers

 with the tutors Annemie & Nadia.

Bonus Program:

Yoga for Felters 

17th of May, Tue

ALL DAY: Zoom Café break out room

Bonus Program:

Presentation: “Sun Symbols …” by Mihály Vetró felt researcher

18th of May, Wed

WEBINAR: Seamed Wall Art

 with Márti Csille.

ALL DAY: Zoom Café break out room

19th of May, Thur

ZOOM Café: Seamed Wall Art Q&A

with the tutor Márti Csille

Bonus Program:

Yoga for Felters 

20th of May, Fri

ALL DAY: Zoom Café break out room

Presentation: “Travels to Kirgistan” by Annemie Koenen felt artist

21st of May, Sat

WEBINAR: Vessel With a Lid

by Bea Németh.

Bonus Program:

22nd of May, Sun

WEBINAR: Tumar-the Amulet

by Mishi Vetró.

23rd of May, Mon

ZOOM Café: Amulet & vessel Q&A

with the tutors Bea & Mishi.

24th of May, Tue

ALL DAY: Zoom Café break out room

ZOOM Café: Closing ceremony & finissage

Campers from 2021 said....

It was such a great idea! I hope you found it quite successful. I really loved the global connection! It is quite amazing to me how easy it is to be connected on this scale compared to 50 years ago. I am looking forward to seeing the videos of the other classes and learning from the amazing teachers you shared with all of us.
Debra Denzer
Anyone that sees this and thinks this might be fun, but... wash away your doubts, I joined last year and it was decidedly the most fun and worth every penny, I’m super excited for this camp coming right up!!!
Elain M Horn
Thank you form all the work you have done the last weeks to make the feltingcamp succesfully. Also thanks to the tutors and everyone who helpt you. It was fantastic.
Thea De Bont


CorNit Felting Camp 2022
All Programs Ticket


~230 USD

Download Ticket

SUPPLEMENTARY ticket for the virtual camp, not valid on its own. With the download ticket you get permission to download the course videos and have them forever.


~31,6 USD

CorNit Felting Camp 2022
All Programs Ticket

6 Payment Parts


~41 USD

Pay now: €39
If you've been satisfied:
Pay in June: €39
Pay in July: €39
Pay in August: €39
Pay in September: €39
Pay in October: €39

All Price: €234 ~ 247USD

Download Ticket

SUPPLEMENTARY ticket for the virtual camp, not valid on its own. With the download ticket you get permission to download the course videos, webinars, zooms, lectures, yoga and have them forever.


~31,6 USD

100% money back guarantee

If you don’t like the Virtual Felting Camp, you will be refunded: Please write us an email with the subject “Fiberguarantee” and we will send the whole payed price back to you without questioning.
Every German CorNit felting course has been working with this guarantee since 2009.


What will happen

after ordering?


Most frequent questions and answers

The classes are like one-day classes as if you would enter a real room in the morning and work there until late afternoon. The courses include shorter and also a long break.

In the webinars, you’ll work live and after showing a step of the felting project we wait until everyone has done it. So it is really nearly like working in a group, that’s why I cannot tell exactly how long they will take live.
Of course, if you work with the videos alone you can stop or (re)wind as you like.

What are the costs in my currency?
Please google “money converter” and a small form comes up where you immediately can change the Euro price into your currency. So you can check all kinds of tickets. 🙂
Thank you!

Please use google for time converting. Later we’ll make an extra site where you can see a countdown clock for each program so you just have to look onto your watch and you’ll get your time.
You also get the countdown clocks via email for each program so hopefully you can’t miss it. 

You come to the camp, there you see, you hear, you might really felt, you discuss etc. or you just watch the videos classes alone, you join the bonus programs if you like…
And if you have that feeling like “this was crap” or “bad tutors, didn’t understand what to do” or “what a waste of money” or something like this, you write us an email within 90 days after camp start and we will send your ticket fee back.
You shouldn’t take a risk.
Nobody else gives money-back-guarantee for online felting events. CorNit has been doing this since 2009.
So hop on without any risk.

We will give you very detailed info on how to join a webinar or a zoom or get to the videos and you can also email us if something shouldn’t be clear enough.
We also will make small videos where you can see how to log in.
I’m sure you will make it. 🙂

We have good solutions for that because many people have to work etc. and cannot stand there for a week.

1. Webinars will be recorded, you can watch them later.

2. The Q&A sessions will be recorded so you can watch them later as well.

3. The videos are really veeery much detailed, you will come clear with them alone as well. The step-by-step handouts will help a lot if you don’t want to watch the videos again just need a cheat sheet while working.
4. You will get access to the Fiber- Tamers-Forum where you can ask and show also later and CorNit Corinna or/and group members will answer and discuss. The forum will stay after the camp. (The German forum has been working for three years already, it includs a group for the German Virtual Felting Camp and groups for my other classes, it works well and many felts and felters have come together there already.)

So you’ll have a real live connection at least to Corinna and other members also if you cannot attend live. And if a question or problem should come up later to one of these classes Corinna has direct contact with the tutors.
I hope we will meet. 🙂

We meet in ZOOM for these programs, there we can hear and see each other and the felt as well. (You can alo stay incognito if you turn off your camera nad micro.) Q&A sessions will be recorded so you can watch them later as well.
You can also ask about and bring felt projects from other days not only from the day before. It’s ok to mix the course themes in the Q&A.

Yes, please scroll down to the bottom on this page and you’ll find them. :). Don’t forget to buy a download ticket for your single ticket if you want to watch them later too.

Do you have another question?

Single tickets

As an aside: It is more worthwhile to get a full ticket, since it does not cost twice as much, but it contains more than 5 times as much program and you can watch everything for 3 months.

The single tickets only include a webinar and the associated zoom meeting plus vernissage and finissage.

The download tickets are supplementary tickets for the entire course and are not valid individually.

Tumar - the Guarding Amulet



~111 USD

Download Ticket


~10,55 USD

Lightweight Summer Hat



~111 USD

Download Ticket


~10,55 USD

Seamed Wall Art



~111 USD

Download Ticket


~10,55 USD

Rich Textured Nuno Belt



~111 USD

Download Ticket


~10,55 USD

Vessel With Sculptural Lid



~111 USD

Download Ticket


~10,55 USD

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